A quick tutorial
Run Fitness, and create a new exercise program by selecting menu "Training plan" and "New".
- Main exercise program edit window will then open:
- Enter a name for your exercise-program, for example "My exercise program".
- Enter a name for your training log file, for example "MyTrainingLog.txt"
- Click on the "Add" button. The "Edit exercise day" dialog will open.
- Enter a name for the exercise day, in this tutorial for example "Monday".
- Click on the "Add" button to add an exercise to this exercise day.
"Edit exercise" dialog will open.
- Enter "Bench press" for the exercise name. Click "Ok" button.
- You will return to the exercise day dialog. Note that you can now see the
new exercise in the list of exercises. Click "Ok" again.
- You will return to the exercise program dialog. Click "Ok" to dismiss it.
- Click on the "Training log" menu and select "Edit..."
- The "Edit exercise log" dialog will open.
- Click on "Bench press" to add the exercise to your exercise log.
- Next select the number of repetitions you did from the "Repetitions" list box.
- Finally select the weight you did the repetitions at from the last list box.
Now you have recorded the information for a single set.
- Usually you do several sets, add more sets by clicking again in the
"Repetitions" and "Weights" list-boxes. You will see the set information
added in the box below.
- When you are finished, click "Ok".
- Now you can view information about the exercise by clicking on "Bench press"
the "Exercise" listbox.